Office & Shop Safety Quiz - MH Equipment
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Office & Shop Safety Quiz

How well do you know office and shop safety? Take our safety quiz, below and comment with your answers.

Take the quiz to see how much you know about office and shop safety.  Remember, our goal is ZERO injuries.

1. Workplace safety is the responsibility of the person(s) wearing the risk management hat.

                                    True                 False

2. Any injury at work, no matter how small, must be reported immediately to the person’s supervisor and receive first-aid attention.

                                    True                 False

3. Safety glasses, gloves, helmets, and safety shoes, although not a fashion statement, must be worn on the job if policy requires them.

                                    True                 False

4. Staff members who work best with piles of materials about their areas are just as safe from accident and injury as the neatniks.

                                    True                 False

5. Safety is just common sense. We don’t need to waste time training people not to put their hands on a hot stove.

                                    True                 False

6. Floor covering has the highest use of any part of a building.

                                    True                 False

7. People will walk around spilled liquid on the floor; the best thing to do is to wait for the housekeeping staff to clean up spills properly.

                                    True                 False

8. Most planning is a waste of time. We’ll just dive in if we have an accident or injury and take care of the situation on the spot.

                                    True                 False

9. Chairs or stools can be substituted for a ladder to get items out-of-reach as long as an employee “spots” the person using the chair or stool.

                                    True                 False

Answers will be posted tomorrow. Good luck!

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